I would like to shine the spotlight on the many people who provide guidance, knowledge and marketing direction and tips for musicians. The people behind the websites and blogs that you visit. Who are they? What do they like? Get to know who these people that are sharing their experience with you. Take a minute to answer some questions. No real requirements, anyone who has a blog or website that provides marketing services and information for musicians is welcome to submit.
See who we have already profiled in the Marketers of Music.
Today we shine the spotlight on Madalyn Sklar.
What is your name and email address?
Madalyn Sklar
What is your website url and name?
Madalyn Sklar
What is your Twitter username?
Give us a one sentence pitch for what you do and why we need to visit your site?
I’m a music biz coach, blogger, social networks expert and fearless leader at GoGirlsMusic.com, spending the last 15 years helping indie artists achieve greater success in the biz by working smarter not harder.
One word of advice you would give a band that you just saw in a club?
Spend time after you set making connections with your fans. Hang out at the merch table. Be approachable. Smile. You’ll be amazed at the results!
Your first concert? Who, Where and When?
Houston, TX
January 27, 1980
Your first album?
I don’t remember my first album but my first 8-track was Heart’s Dog & Butterfly.
Do you prefer CD, Vinyl or Digital and why?
Digital because it’s simple and easy. I was an early adopter, buying music on iTunes before anyone I knew would do it.
Are you or were you ever in a band?
Yes, I had one band back in high school. We were your typical early 80’s rock n roll garage band but never made it out of the garage!
If you could be a rock star, who would you be?
Joan Jett.
Thanks Michael! You rock.
Thanks Michael! I appreciate the profile.